Monday, October 22, 2012

How My Australian “Surfing Addiction” Helped me Trade Forex, Quit My Job and Make A Little Over$10,456 a Month in Less than 12 Months
Could My FOREX Robot Give You The Steady Work-from Home
“Riches” You’ve Been Dreaming Of ?

This Beginner FRIENDLY and EASY to INSTALL ROBOT is sweeping up cash in the Forex Industry hour-by-hour… WITH or WITHOUT YOU.
The Only Time Tested, REAL Money Proof, Multi-Currency, 100% Automated Forex Tick Scalping Robot That Continually Optimizes to Recent Market Conditions / Price Action
… And I Have REAL MONEY Accounts To Prove It!
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is for people who want a scalping robot that’s been thoroughly tested with real money and optimized for real-world conditions : slippage, spreads, and optimization for changing markets.
Here are TWO accounts running Forex Minute Trader… (And BONUS live account further below)

MyfxBook is a third party that we have no relationship with.  They have an advanced tracking system to track trades from a Forex broker account.

They essentially verify our accounts and show you stats using our investor access and publisher feature in Meta Trader 4 platform.

Demo Account #1

This account has been running for about 10 months now.  It has an incredibly low drawdown of 4.66% (low risk to your account).    It has generated over 323.69% profit since this account began.  That’s almost 16.63% per month. 

Find me a bank that offers that kind of outrageously high interest.  Keep in mind, if you had been running Forex Minute Trader you could have very well increased the risk and potentially reached over 1,000% return, imagine that!

Live Account # 1 & Testimonial

This account has been running with a real live money account from one of our loyal traders.  The account has had a phenomenal return of 151.52% with only 12.05% drawdown (low risk to the account). 

151.52% in ONLY 3 months!
From the desk of: Adam Liddiard
Dear Friend,
My name is Adam. I’m 37 years old, I live in Australia and my favorite hobby is surfing. I guess you can say I’m living the dream lifestyle. I work from home and make over $6,235 per month trading Forex.
That’s with only 2 hours of work each day. And I couldn’t be happier! It’s given me the freedom to surf almost everyday. But even though I’m a “successful” trader now, there was a time when my life was in the dumps.
I never dreamed I’d be able to quit my day job. I thought I’d be working until I was at least 65 years old. Now, I have a level of financial freedom that 99 out of 100 people will NEVER achieve in a lifetime.
You may not believe me, but I think anyone can enjoy this “lazy luxury” lifestyle. Even if they have NO trading experience whatsoever. If you can follow instructions, you can profit with forex. I say that for one reason. 
I’ve put my forex solution inside an AUTOMATIC FOREX ROBOT.
It’s a simple, reliable robot I built from scratch to help me get where I am today. In fact, I still use it everyday.
Before I share more about it and how it can put thousands of forex dollars in your account,let me tell you a little more about myself. There are too many scams out there. You need to know how it came about.
I’m no different than your average guy. I had a boring 9 to 5 and hated every minute of it. Getting dressed up, taking orders, meeting deadlines, long hours, coming home late, missing dinner. You know?  
All of that just to barely make a living. What a joke. Meanwhile, I can’t spend time with my kids and my  wife complaining that we don’t spend time together. Not to mention, we never had extra money to do anything.
Here’s My Ticket to Get Out of the Day Job, the 9 to 5 Rat Race… 
So for years I traded forex in all types of ways. I sent off for books, DVDs, webinars thinking “this is my ticket out of the rat race!”  Well… I got a rude education.
After all the “practice” and “research”, I managed to blow over $37,203 in a single account. Tried again, blew more money. 
To top it all off, things were so bad at work… I finally had to quit my job. I didn’t have any money.
 I was jobless, broke and went into debt and lean on my wife and mother to get me through the tough times. I was a walking failure. I admit I wanted to give up a few times. My friends and family who were secure and confident in their 9 to 5, couldn’t understand it. 
I remember thinking, if I didn’t make this work, my wife and kids would leave me and I’d have to go back to a 9 to 5 forever. So I had to make it work. Failure was just NOT an option.
I’ve always had a special type of “rebellion” inside of me. I had nothing else to lose… so I started doing things VERY very different.
I kept hearing people say “Manual trading is the only way to trade and remain profitable, over the long term” My Account Says OTHERWISE!
Manual Trading is the only way?
Just look at the screen below.
Deposit: $12,048.51 , Profit: $3,773 , Drawdown (Risk): 12.45%, In less than 4 months.
That’s over 32.91% profit in less than 4 months, on a REAL live money account.
This is from a LIVE account. Not a demo. Not a Photoshopped screenshot ( click the box for verification ). This is real money. The kind that you can SPEND immediately.  
Deposit: $1,945.10 , Profit: $461.78 , Drawdown (Risk): 8.41% , In less than 2 months.
That's over 24.44% in less than 2 months, on a REAL live money account.
What was I doing that made these phenomenal changes?
At first, I thought I’d NEVER make a profit with Forex. So many things kept going wrong, like I just couldn’t seem to “get ahead.”
But I realized there were 8 things that made me lose money all the time. 
I thought it was just me. But I wasn’t the only person failing. In searching through forums and talking to other traders, I see these are common issues.
So I created a robot that would tackle these issues. I mean… if it could actually overcome these issues, it would be a game changer. It would be of the few FOREX robots that actually works. 
 I’ve spent several years back-and-forth, developing this software, improving it, and testing it over and over again. I combined my endless efforts to find every possible issue that may arise during Forex trading and addresses them with a solution.
You may have been skeptical of Forex robots in the past. I can’t be upset at you for that. But, if you’ll give me a chance, you may discover that my endless Forex efforts can help you make a FORTUNE with FOREX faster and easier than ever before. Here’s why I can say that.
I took each of these 8 primary “problem areas” and focused a ton of energy overcoming each of them one by one. It was a 12 month process with over 3 different programmers, but in the end, it’s met all my expectations.
(By the way, if this Robot didn’t deliver… it would have been a waste of the thousands of dollars and thousands of hours I spent developing it)
 It does not matter if you are a beginner to Forex or an advanced trader.  Forex Minute Trader is 100% automated, it’s incredibly easy to setup, and once it’s setup you do that’s it.
Have Forex Robots and Forex Systems Been Ripping You Off and feeling like a Carnival Game?
I know you’ve probably read about a new and exciting Forex robot, you purchase it, put it on a live account, and BAM, no more money left.
We all have to start somewhere, and unfortunately usually we lose before we start to win. But if you aren’t careful, you will eventually wind up broke!  
That’s why I spent so much time and energy making this Robot unlike anything the industry has ever seen before. Let me explain…
First, I addressed Trade time & Stop Loss & Take Profit
Maybe you’ve lost money from a trade going in the wrong direction, but the stop loss was huge, perhaps 100 pips, 200 pips or more. 
Or perhaps you’ve been in an open trade for hours or days, with a sudden news announcement causing the market to explode against you. This is now a thing of the past with Forex Minute Trader.
Because trades last for a matter of MINUTES, on the contrary, it identifies sudden movements in the market and profit from them.
The stop loss and take profits are very small, with a trailing stop system; you don’t have to worry about profitable trades reversing on you ever again.
When it comes to trading on a real account you have to deal with slippages. 
Slippage happens when you attempt to execute a trade at a certain price, and that price executes at another price. The difference is slippage. Slippage can occur because of a lack of liquidity or slow processing by the broker.
When trading, this can influence your trades and in many cases your trade results. I built an amazing system in my robot to combat this problem:
Slippage Management System – Forex Minute Trader will detect slippage occurrences and track their numbers.  It will then disable trading for 5 minutes to avoid unsafe trading if and when slippage gets to inappropriate sizes.  In addition, the system will adjust to the slippage of your broker.
A Robot that Includes Risk management without Using Martingale Methods Or Grid
More important than the strategy itself is how you handle risk. You can have an incredibly accurate Forex strategy and still lose money.  How?
Here’s an example, let’s say you make 20 pips on a trade with .05 lots, and then your robot says, hey time to increase your lot size to .08.  Let’s say the next trade loses 20 pips, you’re now down more money than you started with. 
Another example, your robot loses a trade at .05 lots and decides to double your risk, now .1 lots and loses again.  This is called martingale, it’s dangerous, and Forex Minute Trader doesn’t trade like this.
Forex Minute Trader is careful to keep your account balance exposure low.  The system will increase your lot sizes for you as the account grows, but it will do it in a careful fashion that keeps your risk always low.
Optimized for Market Conditions
One of the BIGGEST reasons a Forex strategy / system fails is because it is no longer updated or optimized for the market conditions.
When a system isn’t tuned or optimized for market conditions, it tends to fall behind and lose its profits. Then what happens?
Your account is WIPED CLEAN! ZERO!
All your profits go down the drain. And even if you had a robot that could be optimized, you have to do it yourself. That’s not why I want a robot.
Forex Minute Trader (as the name implies) is constantly optimized and updated without YOUR help! That’s what makes this special.
We keep all the data and optimizations on our servers, Forex Minute Trader checks in daily for these updates, and if they are there, it does it automatically.
What you have is a money-making, profit-pulling forex-robot that actually works.
Now like I said, all of this is great, but…
Some “genius” will think I’m selling this robot to get rich. But 99 out of 100 traders aren’t serious enough to understand this simple fact:  
Most traders will pass up this opportunity because of fear. So trust me, I don’t get rich from selling it. I make profits from using it! Like I said, I still use it today.
This ROBOT didn’t make itself. I’ve gained enough knowledge through failures and loss of money to make outrageous profits WITH or WITHOUT this robot. 
I doubt you want to go broke to learn Forex the HARD WAY. But if so, please be my guest. I’m just trying to help some people change their life. Sure I make money, but why shouldn’t I?
If my system is successful — and it is — you would be glad that you found a real person with a real solution to help you FINALLY make profits with forex.
Why would I put my name on the line, risk my success and deal with the headache of refunds for a quick buck? That makes no sense.
So if My Little Robot Can Make You 5 Figures a Month, How Much Would it be Worth to You?
I could sell it to a hedge fund for millions right? WRONG!
It would take years upon years to sell a robot to a HEDGE FUND, it would be a long super-legal intensive process… but because they’re already a hedge fund… they wouldn’t use it anyway!
Besides, the robot is just a piece of software. It might not be worth much, if you don’t understand the code behind it. But what this robot gives you… is a brand new lifestyle. A new income stream. A new future.
So when you think about it… it’s worth as much as you want to make.  I’ve spent over $10k developing and testing it with developers.
So even if I sold it for $499 - it would be worth every penny.
Especially if you’re going to use the robot to generate large amounts of money every month on a consistent, steady basis.
You can barely get a decent trading strategy for that amount.
I already make money. So I’m willing to let you have the robot for one easy payment of $189.
Plus, your investment is covered by my unconditional Money Back Guarantee.
100% Money Back Guarantee  
Try Forex Minute Trader.
I GUARANTEE you will make profits in the Forex Markets as a result of using my robot.
If you’re not completely satisfied with our robot, even if you think it’s a waste of time or doesn’t make ANY money, simply contact me for a full refund. No questions asked.
I know my software works, I trade it with real money, and I stand behind my software 100%. There’s been enough scams. And I can’t afford to ruin my 
reputation. So if my robot doesn’t help, I will pay your money back.

Million Dollar Pips

Check out one of my live accounts... up over 50% in a matter of weeks!

$1,000 to over $1,500

And that's not all... my account is officially myFxBook verified.
These are REAL results.  Verified by a trusted third party.

And look at this myfxbook screenshot...